
Showing posts with the label nasa

Daily updates

NASA's Dragonfly Mission: Unveiling The Secrets Of Saturn's Moon, Titan

 NASA's dragon fly mission aim is to search for prebiotic chemical processes and habitability in saturn's moon Titan.In this mission a rotorcraft fly on Titan and collect important data.This will be the 1st mission have rotorcraft fly on other than earth and mars surface and also rotorcraft fly on other earth moon.This will become 1st mission have rotorcraft fly on TiTan. Dragonfly spacecraft,rotorcraft fly over the surface of saturn's moon (Titan).credit: Nasa Mission objective   This mission (dragonfly) is designed to study the surface composition,atmosphere condition and geologic processes in Titan.The rotorcraft will fly to different location on moon,collect samples and conduct experiments at same time.The mission primary objective includes : • Assessing the microbial habitability on Titan •Studing the prebiotic chemistry of Titan at different places  • Perform fly to different locations etc.. Space craft design and instruments it contains   The space craft is desi

NASA's Dragonfly Mission: Unveiling The Secrets Of Saturn's Moon, Titan

 NASA's dragon fly mission aim is to search for prebiotic chemical processes and habitability in saturn's moon Titan.In this mission a rotorcraft fly on Titan and collect important data.This will be the 1st mission have rotorcraft fly on other than earth and mars surface and also rotorcraft fly on other earth moon.This will become 1st mission have rotorcraft fly on TiTan. Dragonfly spacecraft,rotorcraft fly over the surface of saturn's moon (Titan).credit: Nasa Mission objective   This mission (dragonfly) is designed to study the surface composition,atmosphere condition and geologic processes in Titan.The rotorcraft will fly to different location on moon,collect samples and conduct experiments at same time.The mission primary objective includes : • Assessing the microbial habitability on Titan •Studing the prebiotic chemistry of Titan at different places  • Perform fly to different locations etc.. Space craft design and instruments it contains   The space craft is desi

Mars Hidden History: By NASA'S Curiosity Rover Uncover Clues At Rocky Road

 Nasa 's curiosity rower is still in martian surface and currently exploring the has reached a fascinating rock formation dubbed "Rocky road" or "convict lake" It is 'Rocky road' or 'convict lake'.This image capture by curiosity rover on Mars surface using its MAHLI instrument.on June 4 2024 Because of its unique apperance.rovers primary aim is to analyse the rock using its advanced instruments to gain knowledge about martian surface Tests and analysis done by rover: APXS analysis   The alpha particle x-ray spectrometer(APXS) is used to examine the chemical composition.The team of curiosity rover tried to position the APXS as possible as near to rock to collect data of its elemental makeup.The goal is to target the areas with a 'marshmallow' ratio,which indicates specific  balance of elements ChemCam investigation   The chemical and camera (chemcam) instrument also used to study the rock.the laser in the instrument vaporiz

NASA’s OSIRIS-APEX safe After Searing Pass of Sun

Engineers of NASA's osiris-Apex spacecraft given details about Osiris spacecraft after passed sun in close point in its path about its now situation and ists future plans and more osiris-Apex spacecraft credit: NASA Engineers of NASA’s OSIRIS-APEX (Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification – Apophis Explorer) spacecraft were confident about its closest ever pass of the Sun on Jan. 2, 2024. Their models had predicted that, despite traveling 25 million miles closer to the heat of the Sun than it was originally designed to, OSIRIS-APEX and its components would remain safe. The mission team confirmed that the spacecraft indeed had come out of the experience unscathed after downloading stored telemetry data in mid-March. The team also tested OSIRIS-APEX’s instruments in early April, once the spacecraft was far enough from the Sun to return to normal operations. Between December 2023 and March, OSIRIS-APEX was inactive, with only limited telemetry data available to the te

New Zealand space agency signs for Nasa's artemis mission in 2021

  New Zealand space agency head signs in artemis contract..... Nasa Artemis mission partners are growing.In 31 may 2021.the head of new zeland space agency signs in artemis contract. New Zealand is the second nation to sign the Artemis Accords under the Biden-Harris Administration, following the Republic of Korea’s NASA tell the new Zealand helps in space craft principles for artemis mission with other seven nations.this principle help full for future experiments. In the 21th century This is the 11th country signs for artemis. Friends this is today update lets meet in next update. If you are like this post please share this with your friends  Thankyou....................

SpaceX starlink-28 mission with 60 satillite launching on 26th may full details in 2021

  SpaceX starlink-28 launching with 60 satillite SpaceX launching its 28th starlink mission rocket to space with 60 satillites on may 26th.for the spaceX also conduct live event.and also so many others also conducting lives on youtube. One of the live event video iam given below.once see that live.and the exact time launching rocket we don't know.but the live start in 2:30 pm in American time on 26 th may. This rocket is launching for satillite internet.but in last starlink-28 mission launch for other purpose. So this is today update.of you like this post please share with your friends. Thankyou...........................

Nasa ingenuity helicofter issued one software problem (failed software) on mars in 2021

 Nasa ingenuity helicofter issued one software problem (failed software) on mars in 2021  Friends you know nasa changed the date of his helicopter fly test on mars.and immediately the nasa release the rescheduled date.that date is : April 14 2021. But nasa not release.the reasone of change the date of fly nasa one hour back release the reason.the reason you can see below. In ingenuity helicopter issued one software problem.the nasa jbl know that problem.and also the nasa jbl also know solution for that problem.the solution is reinstall the software on ingenuity helicopter.with the help of preservence rover. The step of to reinstall the software on ingenuity helicopter iam given below :-- • Diagnose the issue and develop potential solutions • Develop/validate and upload software • Load flight software onto flight controllers • Boot

Nasa make changes on its artemis mission 2 (moon exploration) new plan give to public in 2020

 Nasa make changes on its artemis mission 2 (moon exploration) new plan give to public in 2020 NASA one hour back given this update about artemis mission 2 like moon exploration.and also new plan give to the public  The nasa make not make many changes.but make only small changes.this plan given on her offical that website have so much iam below tell about full. Plan and tell main points about this mission The nasa make high flame test the orion top points and capsule.for the space craft controlling the heat or not controlling in atmospheric temperature.and the space craft pass the test.and also the nasa make new space craft for astronauts for space weather changes.the space craft name is orion we know that.iam already tell in past.the rocket launch in 2024.and the nasa tell main thing is this artemis mission 2 is a gate way of artemis mission 3.but not tell confrom So let's go to plan  The rocket ready for launching before the launching.after the rocket g

Nasa make last space walk for updating space station in 16 july 2020

nasa make last space walk for update spacestation in july 16 2020 one hour back nasa given new update that nasa organise a last space station update spacewalk in july 16 this is the last spacewalk for spacestation this space walk the expediction 63 members chris etc are make partisipated in spacewalk and update battery system in spatation the space walk starts in 16 july 6:00pw in 2020 the space walk give live in youtube,website,nasa tv etc these are platfroms masa giving live you want to see live in youtube please go to nasa offical youtube channel offical youtube channel name :nasa you can like this blog please subscribe my blog the subscribe butt6on get in head section share with your friends don't forget to subscribe my blog for new updates you have any doughts please sent in comments thankyou

nasa given: what are doing in " 6 july 2020 to 11 july 202 data

nasa given :what are doing in "6 july 2020 to 11 july 2020" data one hour back nasa given that data.that data convert into short video and upload into her offical youtube channel that video have so many things :1)nasa know a new comment name nevwise the solar prob rocket also capture that picture 2)the mars rover attached to the atlas v rocket and so more avaible on that video so you want to see that video go her offical youtube channel her offical youtube channel name : nasa you can like this post please subscribe my blog the subscribe button get in head section you have any doughts please sent in comments share whith your friends don't forget to subscribe my blog for new and fast updates thankyou

Nasa 2020 marrs rover attach to the atlas v rocket in 2020

nasa 2020 mars rover attach to the atlas v rocket one hour back nasa given know 2020 mars rover anw also you that rover is ready for mars exploration also you know change the launching date of mars rover the recently and fimally changed and also fixed date is july 30 2020 we are know the 30th date is coming very fast so nasa ready the for going to the that process the nasa mars rover inscert or attach to the atlas v rocket and also nasa finished the attaching of the rover you seeing the contant before image is nasa finished the attaching the mars rover so friend nasa given any update about mars rover iwill tell with you imediatly you have doughts please tell in comments.and also iam make any mistakes that is also sent in comments you can like this post please subscribe my blop the subscribe get in head section share this post with your friends don't forget to subscribe for new and fast updates thankyou

spacex stopped the launching of starlink 10 rocket in 2020

spacex stoped the launching of starlink 10 rocket you don't know spacex.spacex is prive space agency nasa also decide to use spacex rockets to his artimis mission spacex make starlink mission for any where internet this internet coming from satillite in that process the space x already launched 9 starlik rocket to space space announced the starlink 10 rocket in 8 july 2020 11:58 pm and also given live event shedule in 10:29 pm on 8 july 2020 give live of the control room audio after some time the space x not started live event and also control room audio also stopped space x not tell why stoped the starlink 10 rocket spacex given any update about starlink 10 rocket i am update you sorry friends this is also post but this is very important you have any doughts please sent in comments you can like this post please subscribe my blog the subscribe button get in head section share with your friends don't forget to subscribe my blop for new updates tha

Nasa given data about his power missions in 2020

nasa given data about his power mission nasa given data about his power and his missions etc all are converted into small video and upload into her offical youtube channel offical youtube channel name: NASA you want to see that please go to her offical youtube channel in that video not have only his power and missions and also have details of 2020 mars rover nasa tell this preseve of mars rover launching don't know preserve.preserve means nasa release one video before launching a rocket or mission the preserve tell the full details of running and main steps of running mission sorry friends this is big post but this is important matter next time i am make small post with important matter you can like this post please subscribe my blog the subscribe button get in head section share with your friends don't forget to subscribe for new updates with fast you have any doughts please sent in comments thankyou

Nasa give data about new astroid research team in 2020

nasa give data about new astriod research team nasa one hour back given data about new astriod reserch team.nasa know a new astriod and deside to make a research on astriod the astriod research has 50% are complete this 50% coplete using telespoces like hubble,and more and next 50% of research con't complete using telescope only using satillite the satillite goes to nearest to astroid and make test like alien spices and water resources and more make using satilite that satillite full data and aslo research team data convert into video and upload into her offical youtube channel you want to see that video please go to nasa offical youtube channel offical youtube channel name : NASA you have any doughts please sent in comments i will reply you share with your friends you can like this post please subscribe my blog the subscribe button get in head section don't forget to subscribe for new updates thankyou

Nasa learn about universe to the people in carona time

nasa learn about universe to the people one hour back nasa given one data like the searching life of the universe in this data or information convert into video and also upload in her offical youtube channel in her youtube channel name : nasa nasa not tell i am learn about universe to people but this is my felling nasa not upload that video in youtube don't search in her website so guys this is today update you can like this video please subscribe my blog the subscribe button get in head section share with your friends you have any doughts please sent in comments don't forget to subscribe my blog for new updates thankyou....

Nasa given moon exploration tools data in 2020

nasa given moon exploration tools data in 2020 one hour back nasa given update what are tools use for make mooon exploration in artimis mission so that tools and uses and also how its works that are make a short video and upload into her offical youtube channel and her offical website you want to see that video go to nasa offical youtube channel so guys this today update you can like this post please click the subscribe button subscribe button have in head section don't forget to subscribe for new updates<"p> you have any doughts please sent in comments share with your friends thankyou

Nasa change the 2020 mars rover launching date third time

Nasa change the 2020 mars rover launch date one hour back nasa given new update like change the 2020 mars rover in second time the frist declared launching date : july 20 2020 landing on the mars date : 18 feb 2021 change date frist time launch date : 22 july 2020 landing on mars date : 18 feb 2021 new launching date launching date : 30 july 2020 landing on the mars : 18 feb 2021 so many member ask the same quesction like why nasa change the launching date so the masa finally answer it nasa tell like this some technical problems faced on that rocket so change the date of launch so this is latest nasa update news you can like this post please subscribe the blog for new updates the subscribe button get in head section share with your friends < p>don't forget to subscribe for new and fast updates thankyou

Nasa given data of what are the asteriods nearest to earth

nasa given data of nearest asteriod to the earth one minute back nasa give one full data about what are the asterioads nearest to the earth in that data compress into small and uploaded in her offial website and offcial youtube channel the offical youtube channel name : nasa you want to see that go to her offical youtube channel you got that video in frist in video section you like this post please subscribe the blog the subscribe button got in head part share with your friends you have any doughts please sent in comment section don't forget to subscribe for new and fast updates thankyou

Space x launch gps 3th rocket and given rocket launch live

space x launch gps 3th rocket given live two minutes back space x announced the launching gst 3th rocket in 1pm on 1st july 2020 this is a program for inprove the gps in the world this is the 3th rocket already launched 2 rockets the space x given live the for rocket launching the live the start before one of rocket launching you like this post please subscribe my blog the subscribe button get in head section and share with your friends don't forget to subscribe for new updates you have any doughts sent in comments thankyou

Nasa change 2020 mars rover launch date

nasa change the maars rover launching nasa one hour back given one update that is nasa make lets change the mars rover launching you know the old launching nasa not tell any reasons i got any news i make post so please subsibe my blog the subscribe button in head section old mars rover launching date : 20 july 2020 the new launching date : 2c july 2020 please share with your friends dont forget to subscribe thanks for seeing this post you have any doughts please sent in comments thankyou