
Showing posts with the label Nasa expediction 63 astronauts return to the earthin 2020

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NASA's Dragonfly Mission: Unveiling The Secrets Of Saturn's Moon, Titan

 NASA's dragon fly mission aim is to search for prebiotic chemical processes and habitability in saturn's moon Titan.In this mission a rotorcraft fly on Titan and collect important data.This will be the 1st mission have rotorcraft fly on other than earth and mars surface and also rotorcraft fly on other earth moon.This will become 1st mission have rotorcraft fly on TiTan. Dragonfly spacecraft,rotorcraft fly over the surface of saturn's moon (Titan).credit: Nasa Mission objective   This mission (dragonfly) is designed to study the surface composition,atmosphere condition and geologic processes in Titan.The rotorcraft will fly to different location on moon,collect samples and conduct experiments at same time.The mission primary objective includes : • Assessing the microbial habitability on Titan •Studing the prebiotic chemistry of Titan at different places  • Perform fly to different locations etc.. Space craft design and instruments it contains   The space craft is desi

Nasa expediction 63 astronauts return to the earthin 2020

 Nasa expediction 63 astronauts return to the earthin 2020  NASA one hour back given this update.this update is about expediction 63 in two or three days back the expedition 64 members reach or enter to the international space station. So for that the expedition 63 members return to the earth with the help of the nasa fix the time and date of hatch opening,astronauts entering the capsule,the capsule entering the earth surface etc....  The nasa release the details like undocing to international space station etc.... that details iam given below. The nasa giving live of hatch opening and enter the astronauts to the capsule date and time is : 21 October 2020 in 3:30 pm  The nasa giving live of undocking to the space station and the astronauts return to the earth date and time is : 21 October 2020 in 7:00 pm. Last time in the expedition 63 rocket have three : Chris Cassidy and two Russian this time also the Chris cassidy and othe