
Showing posts with the label Animation of Mars 2020 plan

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NASA's Dragonfly Mission: Unveiling The Secrets Of Saturn's Moon, Titan

 NASA's dragon fly mission aim is to search for prebiotic chemical processes and habitability in saturn's moon Titan.In this mission a rotorcraft fly on Titan and collect important data.This will be the 1st mission have rotorcraft fly on other than earth and mars surface and also rotorcraft fly on other earth moon.This will become 1st mission have rotorcraft fly on TiTan. Dragonfly spacecraft,rotorcraft fly over the surface of saturn's moon (Titan).credit: Nasa Mission objective   This mission (dragonfly) is designed to study the surface composition,atmosphere condition and geologic processes in Titan.The rotorcraft will fly to different location on moon,collect samples and conduct experiments at same time.The mission primary objective includes : • Assessing the microbial habitability on Titan •Studing the prebiotic chemistry of Titan at different places  • Perform fly to different locations etc.. Space craft design and instruments it contains   The space craft is desi

NASA making "metallic glass" for gearbox for future artemis mission in 2020

nasa one hour back given this update.the nasa tell : iam making the "metallic glass" for gear box friends frist you are know about gear box and also metallic glass.the metallic glass is a shield of gearbox.the metallic glass protect the gearbox.i fell you understand what is metallic let's know about gear box you know in the artemis mission the moon that mission the moon rover go to moon and also live in 2 or 2½ the moon south pole is so cool and also not only that place the moon is a coolest place.for that rover machines are for that problem the nasa make one machine the machine protect that machines with cracking ice and without heating and also this machine not take more electricity we are know the rover use solar the rover work with low energy for that the machine confrom takes only low power for the nasa make this low power working gadget so this is main things about today want to know mor

NASA officially selected highlated boosters for all three artemis missions after testing in 2020

NASA officallay selected highlated boosters for all three artemis missions after testing in 2020 nasa hour back given this update.the nasa officially seleted the booster for all three artimis mission let's know about what is that bossters.iam already tell and make post of highlighted boosters test yesterday the nasa secussesfully completed the tests of the boosters that test given live in nasa tv and also youtube after the testing complet the nasa board members tell to public this boosters selected for artemis missions.that booster are so powerfull and also carried large things to that is the reason for selecting that boosters.that booster is very easy to carried the humans to moon or mars. the nasa board members tell : comfromly use this booster to artemis 1 the boosters testing video was not available in nasa tv but that testing video available in nasa offical YouTube the nasa tv the live is given in that live is so long like 6 to 7 hour

NASA make celebrate the women's equality day for nasa women in 2020

NASA make celebrate the women's equality day for nasa women in 2020 nasa make celebrated of womens equality day for womens.frist we are learn about why celebrating this day many years back in this world have some things like womens is not make that that that time world tells womens not equal to men's.after some year womens also participating all works in this time the world is change into all are equal but some areas or countries tells not equal.for that nasa change that thing for that the nasa celebrating this day.this day tells womens and mens are let's go to topic nasa celebrate this day with meeting like women speaciality this meeting the nasa members tells womens special and what mission she make successfully completed.that nasa make one video and given this live.that live you can available in nasa offical website " click here " to redirect to nasa offical website nasa make another video of abo

NASA given the full data of Saturn planet with animation video in 2020

NASA given the full data of Saturn planet with animation video in 2020 nasa one hour back given this data.this data is very short and very usel full. this data nasa converted into one small this video the animation is super.that video the nasa uploaded in her offical youtube channel in this video mainly tell about Saturn climate or weather and also resources .etc are all tell in this video. you can see that video.iam that video link given in the please click the link and see that video " click here " to redirect to youtube video please friends don't forget to see that video you have any doughts please sent in comments you can like this post please subscribe my blog the subscribe button get in head section please this post with your friends don't forget to subscribe my blog for new and fast updates thankyou

nasa make:expedition 64 launching in 0ctober 14 in 2020 #launchamerica

nasa make:expedition 64 launching in 0ctober 14 in 2020 one hour back nasa given this update of news like iam launching expedition 64 mission on 0ctober 14 in 2020 in this expedition 64 mission using the rocket of "Soyuz MS-17" nasa in this mission nasa tells one member is very Important person.that person name is : "Kate Rubins".he is already go to space station in the expedition 48/49.he make so many mission maked in space station. in that 👆 above paragram iam tell only main and important matter you want to know full details of expedition 64. Iam given below one link.that redirect to given "expedition 64 full details offical webpage " " click here " to redirect to expedition 64 offical full details page you have any doughts please sent in comments you can like this post please subscribe my blog the subscribe button get in head section please share this post with your friends please don't forget

NASA Begins Installing the Orion space craft for First Artemis Moon exploration in 2020

NASA Begins Installing the Orion space craft for First Artemis Moon exploration in 2020 nasa one hour back given or make this matter public nasa make and prepare the space craft like rocket to moon exploration in 2024 this rocket name is Orion rocket.this rocket launching in this rocket have one women and one or two men's. this rocket is made up in spacex.alerady spacex testings that rocket design. iam already tell about all details of this rocket in past please go back and read my past posts so friends you can see like a video this matter so please see my youtube channel my YouTube channel name : "known new things" you can like this post please subscribe my blog the subscribe button get in head section please share this post with your friends you have any doughts please sent in comments please don't forget to subscribe my blog for new and fast updates thankyou

NASA's osiris rocket make second time landed on the bennu asteroid in 2020

NASA's osiris rocket make second time landed on the bennu asteroid in 2020 one hour back nasa given this update.nasa make this is event but not give live this is suddenly event in this event osiris satillite second time landed on the bennu asteroid.frist we are learn about what is osiris satillite the osiris satillite make launched for study the bennu the nasa launched that this time the satillite.the satillite maximum 17 millies from earth.for that distance the nasa make comment after 16 minutes the signal reached the satillite that is the about main details of osiris satillite so let's go to topic in that satillite the second time landed on the bennu asteroid.the satillite already landed on the satillite and also make one function.the satillite second time landed on the asteroid for take sample of asteroid for the nasa make any carefully and also nasa stop all events and functions after make this the function ste

NASA realised the data of #Ask nasa (how does the american astronaut launch to space)in 2020

nasa realised the data of #ask nasa in this week #ask nasa about how does the American astronauts launch to this very interesting this topic come how rocket works and how astronauts are prepare and also how is the felling in rocket to crossing the earth time so that is this week also ask the question to nasa first go to twitter and next go to NASA offical twitter page and make your question tweet.before your question write enter this #asknasa this winter after you write your question you have any doughts please sent in comments you can like this post please subscribe my blog the subscribe button get in head section please share this post with your friends don't forget to subscribe my blog for new and fast updates thankyou

ESA tell: how to get real hd images of earth form space station in 2020

ESA tell: how to get real hd images of earth form space station in 2020 esa one hour back make public this data about how to get real images from space staion so that esa makes a video and upload into her offical YouTube want to see that video please go to her offical YouTube channel.that youtube channel name get in below the offical youtube channel name : "ESA" in that go to space station offical website and select the place.the website give to you a world map.tou selects the place in the map in that you asked that go to space station the space station capture the image sent to you you can like this .you can try it you can like this post please subscribe my blog the subscribe button get in head section you have any doughts please sent in comments please share this post with your friends don't forget to subscribe my blog for new and fast updates thankyou

NASA realised the data of "on this week @Nasa" (crewdragon demo2,Jupiter planet study,Mars 2020 rover)in 1 August 2020

NASA given the data of on this week @NASA one hour back NASA this data upload in her official YouTube channel.this week data convert into video and upload into her YouTube channel you want to see that video please go to her official YouTube channel her official YouTube channel : "Nasa" in that data main and useful points or matter iam given below the NASA in the 30 July 2020 launched the Mars 2020 rover.after the launch the NASA given the update of mars rover condition in the space.the condition of Mars 2020 rover is good.this is the first update of condition of the mars 2020 rover next one about crew dragon demo 2 mission.iam already inform you friend the crew dragon members and crew dragon capsule return to earth from space station in.1 August 2020 NASA and space x make farewell and also undoking the crew dragon demo 2 2 August 2020 the crew dragon capsule splash down to the earth and next main thing about crew dragon demo 3.the European astronaut

NASA & SpaceX make Crew Dragon DM-2 Farewell Ceremony on the International Space Station in 2020 #launchamerica

NASA & SpaceX make Crew Dragon DM-2 Farewell Ceremony on the International Space Station  the space x and NASA make a farewell party for success of crew demo 2.the farewell party make in the space station after the farewell party the crew dragon members are go to crew dragon capsule and undoxing the space station after some hours later splash down on the earth NASA this program time table or schedule uploaded in her official website.that schedule iam given below August 1, Saturday 9:10 a.m. – SpaceX Crew Dragon DM-2 Farewell Ceremony on the International Space Station 5:15 p.m. – Continuous coverage begins for the SpaceX Crew Dragon DM-2 undocking from the International Space Station and Aug. 2 Splashdown. Hatch closure scheduled at appx. 5:45 p.m. EDT; undocking scheduled at 7:34 p.m. EDT; splashdown on Aug. 2 scheduled at 2:42 p.m. EDT August 2, Sunday (SpaceX Crew Dragon DM-2 Splashdown coverage continues with splashdown scheduled at 2:42 p.m. EDT) 5 p.m. – Post-

NASA Mars 2020 rover successfully launched to the space in 2020 #cowndowntomars

NASA mars 2020 rover successfully launched to the space NASA successfully launched the Mars rover .one minute back NASA make that is you that live the Mars rover launched in one or two minutes this time the Mars rover available in space like earth orbited space.the next thing is NASA giving live of opening the shelter or earth gravitational force protecter friends go and see that video live in YouTube and also available in her official website. so friends you not see that live or you missed at live main this don't vary after the YouTube live finish the live is stored in her official YouTube channel you go to her office YouTube channel and see that video the Mars rover available in space.after seven months the rover landed on Mars the date on landed on mars is:"18 February 2020" friends iam update you in night like live begin 7 hours iam decide to update my bad luck I have faced internet connection problem that please forgive

NASA said: every one know 10 things about crew dragon demo 2 in 2020

NASA said:every one this 10 points about crew dragon demo 2 mission hour back NASA given one data in data NASA said every one know this points about crew dragon demo 2 mission in that 10 points NASA says full details about crew dragon demo 2 mission like what the process on return to earth and also how to find the capsule like that all points are tell in 10 you want know that 10 points please click the below link you redirect to her official website you can read that and also share with your friends you can like this post please subscribe my blog the subscribe button get in head section you have any doughts please sent in comments please friends share with your frients don't forget to subscribe to my blog for new and fast updates thankyou

NASA given data of Mars 2020 rover launching and landing plan animation #cowndowntomars

nasa given data of mars rover launching plan animation nasa hour back given one data.that data is animation of mars 2020 rover you know the 30 july 2020 mars 2020 rover launching in 7 pm.nasa make an data.that is a animation of mars 2020 rover nasa make this animation for so many people have know mars rover but don't know the plain of 2020 marr rover so nasa fell every person know this plan,so nasa make a plan of mars 2020 rover animation and also upload in her offical youtube channel so friends NASA idea is very good so every one know about Mars 2020 tower launching and landing plan you want to see that animation video.please go to her official YouTube channel her official YouTube channel name:NASA so friends NASA make a scientists event live in YouTube in that have given operchunity for all normal people that is you have any questions like how its work that all questions about Mars rover that question sent in Twitter and the Twitter use this #cown