
Showing posts with the label #crewdragon-1

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NASA's Dragonfly Mission: Unveiling The Secrets Of Saturn's Moon, Titan

 NASA's dragon fly mission aim is to search for prebiotic chemical processes and habitability in saturn's moon Titan.In this mission a rotorcraft fly on Titan and collect important data.This will be the 1st mission have rotorcraft fly on other than earth and mars surface and also rotorcraft fly on other earth moon.This will become 1st mission have rotorcraft fly on TiTan. Dragonfly spacecraft,rotorcraft fly over the surface of saturn's moon (Titan).credit: Nasa Mission objective   This mission (dragonfly) is designed to study the surface composition,atmosphere condition and geologic processes in Titan.The rotorcraft will fly to different location on moon,collect samples and conduct experiments at same time.The mission primary objective includes : • Assessing the microbial habitability on Titan •Studing the prebiotic chemistry of Titan at different places  • Perform fly to different locations etc.. Space craft design and instruments it contains   The space craft is desi

Nasa launching Atlas V rocket with SBRIS GEO-5 satillite now in 2021

 Nasa launching Atlas V rocket with SBRIS GEO-5 satillite now in 2021 Friends today nasa was launching the atlas v rocket to space.with SBRIS GEO-5 satillite.for United military defence. This rocket is launching from Cape canaravel space station.friends the live is started the live video will be given frist see that live. Friends this SBRIS GEO-5 satillite launching for military defence.this satillite detect the missiles. The launch window opens at 1:35 p.m.eastern  17:35 UTC time. Friends i feel you like this post please share with your friends. Friends in this on wards got daily follow daily our blog Thankyou........

Nasa make fly the frist helicofter on mars at april 12 in 2021

 Nasa make fly the frist helicofter on mars at april 12 in 2021 Friends you know the mars preservence was landed on mars one month back know the nasa was planed make fly the helicofter on mars For that the nasa sent helicofter to the preservence.the helicofter name is ingenuity helicopter. So the time near to make fly frist helicofter on for that the nasa set one date to make this experiment on mars. For that the preservence rower already landed the helicofter on mars.and also nasa release some photos of helicopter on mars captured by preservence rower. The nasa fixed data is :-- april 12 in 2021 at 12:30 am PDT  The mission control room at that time the will giving the live is available for common people you can see that live in youtube. You got live in nasa offical youtube nasa offical youtube channel link iam given below once checkout that  Link :-- If you see the real images of captured by preservence row

Nasa release the data of onthisweek@Nasa of last week in 2020

 Nasa release the data of onthisweek@Nasa in 2020 NASA release data of know about this series.this is weekly updated series.this series tell about.what are the missions and what are events make in this week.all things the nasa tell in last day on the week. So already know friends you know last Saturday or Sunday.iam make post about for that iam iam telled in this post topics are last week topics.and in tommorow or sunday iam make a post with this week topics. Friends you know last week the nasa and launched his crew dragon-1 rocket to space station to international space station with four that astronauts safely reached to the space station.and also the space launched that astronauts using instruments in December 2 in 2020. Like next month. So friends if you see that video of onthisweek@Nasa that video iam given below so see and enjoy. So friends I feel you like this post you have any doughts please sen

Nasa launching the Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich space craft this month in 2020

 Nasa launching the Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich space craft this month in 2020 NASA this month launching the Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich space craft to friends today post.we are know.what is the use of this space craft.and also launching date,time,live etc.....  The nasa in this month launching the space craft of Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich space craft.this space craft is for non stop observation of oceans tides level and ocean winds etc... all about oceans and natural disasters with oceans. So this space craft observe that ocean and collect or make details of that ocean and sent to nasa service team.and the service team already all the american people.from natural this is the goal of this Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich space craft launching. And friends the nasa release the date of launching this space  craft.and also release the temporary time table.but in this given time table.are not change the launching date.if any problem phased in that time

Nasa and spaceX crew dragon-1 space craft today docking to the space station in 2020

 Nasa and spaceX crew dragon-1 space craft today docking to the space station in 2020 NASA and spaceX space craft crew dragon-1 today make docking to the international space know friends the NASA and spacex change the date of the launching of the rocket.because nature you know yesterday the spacex and nasa launch his crew dragon-1 rocket to space station. And today the space craft docking to the space know friends after change the launching.and also automatically the nasa and spacex change date of docking.and change the time.that details iam given below. Friends the nasa and spacex giving that situation in nasa tv for that iam given to you live starting time.but the docking make in after one or two hours started the every one see that live. The live start in nasa tv is: 11:00 pm in November 16 2020. I trust the docking make in 12am or 1pm.becuase in 1:40 know after 12 am.the date change 16 into 17 in 1:40 am

Nasa and SpaceX today launching his crew dragon-1 rocket to space station in 2020

 Nasa and spacex today launching his crew dragon-1 rocket to space station in 2020 NASA and SpaceX today launching the crew dragon-1 rocket to the international space station.with four know friends in our blog in this week all make post this topic with the help this week posts you know so much details about this #launchamerica mission.or this crew dragon-1 rocket. Friends you know the spacex and nasa select the date of November 15 for launching the crew dragon-1 rocket launch.but so much members don't know. 1) How to see the crew dragon-1 rocket launching live. 2) which time the rocket is launched. Above two doughts iam tell answer in given phara. Frist where we are are that crew dragon-1 rocket launching live.for we. the nasa and spaceX giving live in youtube.that live event already post in her nasa offical youtube channel. the live start in 3:14 pm.american time. On November 15. Friends you have another dought how identify that live.where the video is

Nasa and spacex changed the launching date of crew dragon-1 in 2020

  Nasa and spacex changed the launching date of crew dragon-1 in 2020  NASA one hour back given this latest update.about this rocket launching.the spacex and nasa make one decision of rocket rocket launching. That decision is change the launching date of crew dragon-1 rocket.because in the florida in this time have some much big stroms and also for that climate or whether disasters The nasa and spacex make change the launching date of crew dragon-1 the nasa and spacex immediately release the launching date.that details iam given below. Normally the launching date is November 14 2020 in 7:45pm.but in this time the nasa spacex is changed the date.the new launching date is: 15 November in 3:15 sunday. And also the nasa change the date of the docking to the space station.the new date is : November 16 in 11pm. And in November 17 in 1:40 am have welcome ceremony to the crew dragon-1 astronauts to that situation also the nasa giving live in nasa tv. So friends y

Nasa today start the countdown for launching the spaceX crew dragon-1 rocket in 2020

 Nasa today start the countdown for launching the spaceX crew dragon-1 rocket in 2020 NASA today make start the countdown of the crew dragon-1 rocket you know about this all iam make this topic all you can understand about this mission and iam also in this week friends. Iam tell full time table like events time table.which events the nasa make which day and iam given time in that once check out that old post that time table today the nasa make start the 13-11-2020 In 10am. And the nasa launching the rocket in November 14 friends in this event have any not have any main person meetings.and in this event.counducted by nasa administration and also main persons.i feel the spacex members also participate in this event. So friends the nasa giving this event her offical website and also offical website in that time you are free or boring.see that live. So friends iam given

Nasa give proved certificate to the spacex crew dragon-1 rocket in 2020

 Nasa give proved certificate to the spacex crew dragon-1 rocket in 2020 NASA one hour back given this update this update is about spacex secusses and also November 14 crew dragon-1 rocket launching. Friends you know this rocket crewdragon-1 rocket is maked by spaceX.and also you know friends the SpaceX is a private company.and this spacex companies CEO is Elon musk'.he is a one of the world's richest person.his min gole is.sent normal humans to mars with low cost so for that Elon musk start the spacex. The spaceX start so many that mission one of the mission is crew dragon.the main things is the spaceX no permission to launch or sent humans to space.with own rockets.because that is a private company.but the nasa not have required that permission because.that is a American government company. In the frist time like.the spacex started frist time not have permission to launch rocket.but after the spaceX get permission from nasa.because that nasa is American gover

Nasa has seleted 17 US copines for artemis mission in 2020

 Nasa has seleted 17 US copines for artemis mission in 2020 NASA one hour back given this update this update is about artemis know the nasa for making Artemis mission the nasa take help from private for that two or three days back the make that news public Iam make one post about that for that the nasa tell to participate companies.frist give your proposals iam seleted by which proposals are good and impressive. So for many companies are make that companies have seleted only 17 companies.that names also the nasa release publicly.that companies name iam given below. The selected companies are: Aerojet Rocketdyne Inc.  of Redmond, Washington Ahmic Aerospace LLC  of Oakwood, Ohio AI SpaceFactory Inc.  of Secaucus, New Jersey Blue Origin LLC  of Kent, Washington  (two selections) Box Elder Innovations LLC  of Corinne, Utah Cornerstone Research Group Inc.  of Miamisburg, Ohio Elementum 3D Inc.  of Erie, Colorado Gloyer-Taylor Labo

Nasa and spaceX crew dragon-1 space craft astronauts safely reach at Kennedy space center in 2020

 Nasa and spaceX crew dragon-1 space craft astronauts safely reach at Kennedy space center in 2020 NASA one hour back given this update.this update is about crew dragon-1 space craft or that space craft astronauts. you know friends the space craft arrived at Kennedy space station.and the space craft launch in 39 A launch pad.and also in this space craft four astronauts are travelled  So the four astronauts are arrived at Kennedy space center yesterday so for that the nasa given live of the reaching of the astronauts at Kennedy space center.that video is avaible on nasa offical youtube any one not see the live go and see the finished live in her offical youtube channel. And the nasa today maked live of social media conference in that conference the social media ask some questions to the the teleconference also finished and make the pre launching news. Friends the this all events make by time table that time table all tell in old posts so friends please see

Nasa release the data of onthisweek@Nasa in 2020

 Nasa release the data of onthisweek@Nasa in 2020 The nasa one hour back given this update of data.this update is about friends you know the nasa every day of last week release this data. In this week data is about space station and also crew dragon-1 rocket.friends iam below tell topic are main things in this week.but that topic iam already make a post so one time see the old posts. Friends topic is about space know in this time in space station have expedition 64 members.and also you know so many astronauts in space station are Americans. So friends you know in america in November 3 run this time also the elections are the international space station are not have chances to make vote. But in this year the frist astronaut make vote from space this is one of the main thing in that last onthisweek@Nasa video. Second thing is about crew dragon-1 know in this month.november 14 the nasa and spacex make laun

Nasa and spacex crew dragon 1 rocket arrive at Kennedy space center for launching to space center in 2020

 Nasa and spacex crew dragon 1 rocket arrive at Kennedy space center for launching to space center in 2020 NASA one hour back given this update about.spacex crew dragon-1 rocket launching.friends you know the nasa given the full time table about this launching.that full time table iam tell in old one time checkout the old posts. So friends in november 5.the crew dragon-1 rocket reach the Kennedy space center for reach the 39A  launch pad. So in this time the tocket avaible in kennedy space center for the navy force also checkul one time. And the astronauts.reach the Kennedy space center in November 8 today the astronauts reach or come to kenndy space center.and also the astronauts give interview about his feelings to that video nasa give to public.iam tell to you how to see that every day one time see my blog. Friends you know the launching date of this crew dragon-1 rocket is in November in that day the spac

Nasa set the live coverage shedule for spacex crew dragon-1 rocket launching in 2020

 Nasa set the live coverage shedule for spacex crew dragon-1 rocket launching in 2020 NASA one hour back given this update this update is about spacex crew dragon-1 rocket launching,docking,astronauts enter the space station.friends you know iam tell in past about this rocket launching details and docking dates and tell time. So the nasa set the shedule of live for crew dragon-1 rocket launching and also docking,entering the know in this rocket the four members are travelled to space station. The nasa given the full details of this rocket prelaunch live,launching live,docking live,astronauts entering to the space station live.for that all situations lives are nasa given friends that timings and shedule data image given in below. Friends you see above that November 8, 2pm the spacex crew-1 comes or arrive the Florida 39b space center.and in November 9, 1:15 pm social media engagements. Like the the nasa allow or give permission