
Showing posts with the label #asknasa

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NASA's Dragonfly Mission: Unveiling The Secrets Of Saturn's Moon, Titan

 NASA's dragon fly mission aim is to search for prebiotic chemical processes and habitability in saturn's moon Titan.In this mission a rotorcraft fly on Titan and collect important data.This will be the 1st mission have rotorcraft fly on other than earth and mars surface and also rotorcraft fly on other earth moon.This will become 1st mission have rotorcraft fly on TiTan. Dragonfly spacecraft,rotorcraft fly over the surface of saturn's moon (Titan).credit: Nasa Mission objective   This mission (dragonfly) is designed to study the surface composition,atmosphere condition and geologic processes in Titan.The rotorcraft will fly to different location on moon,collect samples and conduct experiments at same time.The mission primary objective includes : • Assessing the microbial habitability on Titan •Studing the prebiotic chemistry of Titan at different places  • Perform fly to different locations etc.. Space craft design and instruments it contains   The space craft is desi

Nasa searching the commercial companies for coolect the moon rock sample in 2020

 Nasa searching the commercial companies for collect the moon rock sample in 2020 NASA hour back given this update to the public.this is for artemis the fast posts iam already tell  The nasa administration give some instructions to nasa lunar members.if you not see that post after see this post go to past post and see that post.the administration given 10 instructions. If nasa make that or run that instructions in the Artemis mission of lunar exploration.nasa must want lunar rock nasa offically announced his request its is not a requested for this nasa paid money. You know in the future artemis mission of lunar exploration.the frist women and second time man land on the moon.after landing they make some work like nasa administration given instructions.that instructions have so much risk for that.the nasa give tryning  to the astronauts  I fell the nasa make some base or signal tower or station in the moon.for that the nasa asking moon rock is my feel

NASA administration give them instructions to the nasa lunar payload service (Artemis mission) in 2020

NASA administration give them instructions to the nasa lunar payload service (Artemis mission) in 2020 nasa administration given this instruction to public.these are 10 instructions frist we are know about nasa lunar payload service.the lunar payload is full name is "Commercial Lunar Payload Services".so in short form is "clps".in this service members run the lunar mission services make rocket shaped of rocket and also how traveled in the rocket.moon research,all about moon things control the know in the artemis mission have moon exploration also after this mission or in this mission use that 10 nasa administration tell: the artemis mission is the key of the instructions so friends this instructions run in the south side of the let's know about instructions this instructions like as signal controlling in moon.and also some things make in the moon.sorry iam not the instrument.bucase.if iam also giving

NASA make completed the primary mirror for roman telescope in 2020

NASA make completed the primary mirror for roman telescope in 2020 nasa one hour back given this update.this update is about Roman telescope. nasa tell:Iam maked a mirror for roman any telescope the main is iam finished the mirror in future iam completed the roman telescope frist we are know about roman telescope.roman telescope is a space telescope.this is 100 times power than hubble telescope.and also not more powerfull than james telescope. so let's know about difference between james telescope and roman telescope.the james telescope use Ray's to find an object.for using Ray's long the long objects we can see very clarity.and some objects are not entering the light.the hubble telescope not capture that objects.but the james telescope also capture that images also.but the roman telescope not capture that images like james telescope but.the hubble some long objects also capture but low clarity.the roman telescope same picture

NASA given the new feature for normal for see the space objects,telescope,asteroids,planets in 3d in 2020

NASA given the new feature for normal for see the space objects,telescope,asteroids,planets in 3d in 2020 nasa one hour back given this update.this update is a feature.this feature is very useful for space learning persons and also space interested people nasa this feature given in her offical website.frist we are know about this feature details.this feature is a like of google map.but this is a this space map have telescopes and planets where every in shape have in this map in 3d in this map shows also that object or planet can click the object like hubble telescope.the map right side shows full details like why time that telescope launch that all detail are given in that map.with 3d image like you can swipe the image the turn right side that is solar system map.and next main thing is planets and telescope real life are not stop in same place there are moving.same in real life the objects in that map also that objects moving. so every o

NASA capture the wonderfull images of galaxies, supernova remnants, stars, planetary nebulas in 2020

NASA capture the wonderfull images of galaxies, supernova remnants, stars, planetary nebulas in 2020 nasa one hour back give this images on public. This data of images are upload in her offical website so let's talk about that images and what are that.there are 6 or 7 images.that images are wonderful and also beautiful.that colours is every one see that images.the nasa capture that images by using telescope.the images are galaxies,star,supernova,and so many thing are capture the nasa that pictures nasa telled as "space nature" My feeling of that pictures is asom,beautiful,wonderfull..etc you want to see that pictures.iam given one link you can click that link you redirect to that images "click here" to redirect to that images you have any doughts please sent in comments you can like this post please subscribe my blog the subscribe button get in head section please share this post with your friends thankyou

NASA making "metallic glass" for gearbox for future artemis mission in 2020

nasa one hour back given this update.the nasa tell : iam making the "metallic glass" for gear box friends frist you are know about gear box and also metallic glass.the metallic glass is a shield of gearbox.the metallic glass protect the gearbox.i fell you understand what is metallic let's know about gear box you know in the artemis mission the moon that mission the moon rover go to moon and also live in 2 or 2½ the moon south pole is so cool and also not only that place the moon is a coolest place.for that rover machines are for that problem the nasa make one machine the machine protect that machines with cracking ice and without heating and also this machine not take more electricity we are know the rover use solar the rover work with low energy for that the machine confrom takes only low power for the nasa make this low power working gadget so this is main things about today want to know mor

SpaceX launched his twelfth star link mission to space with 60 satillites in 2020

SpaceX launched his twelfth star link mission to space with 60 satillites in 2020 spacex successfully launched his twelfth starlink mission.frist we are must know about starlink mission.and also why spacex make this. Iam already tell about full starlink mission story so please visit the old posts .below iam about two lines starlink mission the spacex is making the starlink mission for satillite this time the internet come for you me as cellphone towers.but in big villages or forests are not have internet or no signal.but using this satillites any where you use internet in this time also spacex launched 60 satillite in this satillite only starlink satillites. spacex already makes backup rocket for mission failed.if the rocket is blasted in the sky the satillites dropped in the sea with shield.the shield protect the satillites from blast.after take the satillite the spacex backup make ready and launched that space craft that is the backup plan the spac

NASA finished the program of Orion space craft for Artemis 1 (moon exploration)in 2020

NASA finished the program of Orion space craft for Artemis 1 (moon exploration)in 2020 nasa one hour back given this update to this update have very good news. in this update have about Orion space craft.the orion space craft program is finished.frist you know about orion space craft iam already tell about Orion space craft in please see that posts iam below tell about two line Orion space craft the orion space craft is the frist step of artemis mission.this is the artemis this artemis 1 use the orion space craft snt on women and one or mens sent to the moon so let's go to topic.the program is main in any thing like robot rocket the program is the brain of the thing.the orion spacecraft have also one program this program the nasa this program completed and ready the program to run and also make tests of the program in the orion space craft the program make launched to the earth next make some function after some days the space craft reac

NASA tell : you have any doughts please tell my iam answer that quesctions in 2020

NASA tell : you have any doughts please tell my iam answer that quesctions in 2020 nasa telled the you have any question ask me.the nasa make this feature to normal people for devoleping his knowledge of space.and also clear her doughts about space knowledge. nasa this progarm start in two or one year ago.but so many people not know.for that iam make this post about this program.Nasa given the name of this program the program name is let's know to ask the question to nasa.and also how to get the answer we are ask any quesctions to nasa.please go to can any quesction to nasa you mast have twitter account.if you don't have twitter a out please make Twitter your twitter click or go to new that new post type your quesction and you must use "#AskNasa".if you not use that tag.your quesction not reach to you must and should type that tag so let's know how you get the answer from nasa.the nasa monthl

NASA given the data of : #Nasathisweek about (artimis misson 3) in 2020

NASA given the data of : #Nasathisweek about (artimis misson 3) in 2020 nasa given this data in one hour back.frist you know about #Nasathisweek.#nasathisweek or #onthisweeknasa are is one or those are same iam tell already full details of please see the old post.iam below tell in one or two lines.after go to topic the #Nasathisweek means the nasa in week make many projects that projects all tell in that week of last day that is #Nasathisweek so let's go to that video video have about boosters and also the frist window for artimis mission iam already make post of boosters and also window in artimis mission friends please see that post that latest video of link iam please link that link and see that video if you click that link you redirect to youtube video.the link given below " click here " to redirect to YouTube video you have any doughts please sent in comments yo

ESA make law of space in meets the experts program for people in 2020

ESA make law of space in meets the experts program for people in 2020 esa one hour back given this data to public .this data is a video.this video upload into her offical youtube channel in this video have the content of "law of space" like full details about asteroids,suns planets,stars etc are explained in that video.that video is very useful to all I feel you know about meets the experts program of don't know iam already tell about that program in please see the past posts a out esa.iam tell two lines about meet the experts program meet the experts program make or started the esa.the esa this program started for space knowledge know to common people .the experts come the esa or make a interve of space information experts and that video upload in her offical YouTube channel or website iam given below 👇 link for that video of law of space in meets the experts program " click here " to redirect to that video of law

NASA make & test the highlighted boosters for artimis mission with live in 2020

NASA make & test the highlighted boosters for artimis mission(moon & mars exploration)with live in 2020 nasa two hours back tell this update to Iam maked boosters for artimis mission nasa makes boosters for artimis nasa have so many booster but this is the most power booster.and also this booster easy carry the more weight to space.this boosters 50% greater than normal using boosters. this are two boosters maked the nasa for testing purposes.the booster testing date also nasa realised.and also this boosters step also released. In that step also have launching or firing so this testing nasa giving live in nasa tv and nasa offical website and also nasa offical YouTube don't miss the live the nasa tests the boosters or nasa giving date is : 2 September 2020 Time : 2:35pm onwards nasa tell one main about boosters & artimis mission.that is nasa comfromly telled the if the boosters pass the tests.iam using this boosters

NASA released the launch date of james web telescope after changing the date for covid 19 in 2020

NASA released the launch date of james web telescope after changing the date for covid 19 in 2020 nasa one hour back given this update of launching date.nasa already given the date of launching james telescope in past but covid 19 situation the nasa change the date the past date is : "march 2021" in this time or new launching date is : "31 october 2021 ". I feel you know about james telescope.if you don't know about james telescope iam tell in past post please see that post.iam below tell in two lines about james telescope james telescope is more powerfull than Hubble telescope like 10 times power than hubble already know hubble telescope nasa already finished the final test of james telescope like folding test.that test video link iam given below 👇.if we click that link you redirect to that video " click here " to redirect to nasa james telescope last test video you have any doughts please sent in comments

NASA make celebrate the women's equality day for nasa women in 2020

NASA make celebrate the women's equality day for nasa women in 2020 nasa make celebrated of womens equality day for womens.frist we are learn about why celebrating this day many years back in this world have some things like womens is not make that that that time world tells womens not equal to men's.after some year womens also participating all works in this time the world is change into all are equal but some areas or countries tells not equal.for that nasa change that thing for that the nasa celebrating this day.this day tells womens and mens are let's go to topic nasa celebrate this day with meeting like women speaciality this meeting the nasa members tells womens special and what mission she make successfully completed.that nasa make one video and given this live.that live you can available in nasa offical website " click here " to redirect to nasa offical website nasa make another video of abo

NASA given the feature of tracking the mars Perseverance 2020 rover in space with real time and exact distance in 2020

NASA given the feature of tracking the mars Perseverance 2020 rover in space with real time and exact distance in 2020 nasa one hour back given this update of this feature.nasa tell about this feature like so many people are interested this mars mission so for that iam given this feature you can track the mars 2020 rover in real time and also exact distance so friends nasa tell like this feature mainly use for interested people.and also not interested people see this.the main advantage is it's free and any time see this so this feature set in her offical can see that tracking conform to go her offical website iam given that tracking page in can click that link you redirect to tracking page "click here " to redirect to mars 2020 rover tracking page you have any doughts please sent in comments you can like this post please subscribe my blog the subscribe button get in head section please share

NASA Begins Installing the Orion space craft for First Artemis Moon exploration in 2020

NASA Begins Installing the Orion space craft for First Artemis Moon exploration in 2020 nasa one hour back given or make this matter public nasa make and prepare the space craft like rocket to moon exploration in 2024 this rocket name is Orion rocket.this rocket launching in this rocket have one women and one or two men's. this rocket is made up in spacex.alerady spacex testings that rocket design. iam already tell about all details of this rocket in past please go back and read my past posts so friends you can see like a video this matter so please see my youtube channel my YouTube channel name : "known new things" you can like this post please subscribe my blog the subscribe button get in head section please share this post with your friends you have any doughts please sent in comments please don't forget to subscribe my blog for new and fast updates thankyou

NASA & SpaceX make Crew Dragon DM-2 Farewell Ceremony on the International Space Station in 2020 #launchamerica

NASA & SpaceX make Crew Dragon DM-2 Farewell Ceremony on the International Space Station  the space x and NASA make a farewell party for success of crew demo 2.the farewell party make in the space station after the farewell party the crew dragon members are go to crew dragon capsule and undoxing the space station after some hours later splash down on the earth NASA this program time table or schedule uploaded in her official website.that schedule iam given below August 1, Saturday 9:10 a.m. – SpaceX Crew Dragon DM-2 Farewell Ceremony on the International Space Station 5:15 p.m. – Continuous coverage begins for the SpaceX Crew Dragon DM-2 undocking from the International Space Station and Aug. 2 Splashdown. Hatch closure scheduled at appx. 5:45 p.m. EDT; undocking scheduled at 7:34 p.m. EDT; splashdown on Aug. 2 scheduled at 2:42 p.m. EDT August 2, Sunday (SpaceX Crew Dragon DM-2 Splashdown coverage continues with splashdown scheduled at 2:42 p.m. EDT) 5 p.m. – Post-

NASA said: every one know 10 things about crew dragon demo 2 in 2020

NASA said:every one this 10 points about crew dragon demo 2 mission hour back NASA given one data in data NASA said every one know this points about crew dragon demo 2 mission in that 10 points NASA says full details about crew dragon demo 2 mission like what the process on return to earth and also how to find the capsule like that all points are tell in 10 you want know that 10 points please click the below link you redirect to her official website you can read that and also share with your friends you can like this post please subscribe my blog the subscribe button get in head section you have any doughts please sent in comments please friends share with your frients don't forget to subscribe to my blog for new and fast updates thankyou

NASA given schedule of crew dragon 2 return to the earth from space station in 2020

NASA given schedule of crew dragon demo 2 return to the earth from space station in 2020 NASA one hour back given one schedule data of crew dragon demo2 return to earth from space station Time table.the crew dragon demo 2 launch in may for space station.this space craft made by SpaceX.this space craft is launched in Florida space this experiment or project make SpaceX and NASA by combining and also return experiment time also the SpaceX and NASA make combining and finish this project the NASA make set schedule live on YouTube for Mars 2020 launching (atlas v rocket)in her official YouTube channel you want to see that live in YouTube please go her official YouTube channel her official YouTube channel name:NASA the crew dragon demo 2 schedule iam given below Saturday, Aug. 1 · 9:10 a.m. – SpaceX Dragon Demo-2 Farewell Ceremony aboard the International Space Station (ceremony begins about 9:15 a.m.) · 5:15 p.m. – NASA TV undocking coverage begins for

NSA given schedule events data of 27 July to 7 August in 2020

NASA give schedule data of 27 July to August 7 events plan NASA one hour back given schedule data this data works in July 27 to August 7 this data very important the data the atlas v rocket launch (Mars 2020 rover) also time date all are noted in the schedule and also so many data uploaded in this data the main think that data some events have live and video file data uploaded in the future that data all uploaded in her official website and also upload her official YouTube channel her official website: her official YouTube channel name :NASA the NASA schedule time table.iam given below JULY July 27, Monday 1 p.m. - Mars 2020 Mission pre-launch news conference (All Channels) 3 p.m. - Mars 2020 Mission engineering and science briefing (All Channels) July 28, Tuesday 10:30 a.m. – International Space Station Expedition 63 in-flight interviews with “Live with Kelly and Ryan” and the Discovery Channel and Station Commander Chris Cassidy of NASA and NASA astr