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NASA's Dragonfly Mission: Unveiling The Secrets Of Saturn's Moon, Titan

 NASA's dragon fly mission aim is to search for prebiotic chemical processes and habitability in saturn's moon Titan.In this mission a rotorcraft fly on Titan and collect important data.This will be the 1st mission have rotorcraft fly on other than earth and mars surface and also rotorcraft fly on other earth moon.This will become 1st mission have rotorcraft fly on TiTan. Dragonfly spacecraft,rotorcraft fly over the surface of saturn's moon (Titan).credit: Nasa Mission objective   This mission (dragonfly) is designed to study the surface composition,atmosphere condition and geologic processes in Titan.The rotorcraft will fly to different location on moon,collect samples and conduct experiments at same time.The mission primary objective includes : • Assessing the microbial habitability on Titan •Studing the prebiotic chemistry of Titan at different places  • Perform fly to different locations etc.. Space craft design and instruments it contains   The space craft is desi

Nearly Earth Sized,Potentially Habitable planet (gliese 12b) discovered by NASA's TSS

  Nasa's TSS and two international teams discovered a new planet sizes between earth and venus and its is 40 light yeas away. gliese 12 (dwarf star).credit: NASA/jbl Gliese 12 (star of gliese 12b planet) The host star, called Gliese 12, is a cool red dwarf located almost 40 light-years away in the constellation Pisces. The star is only about 27% of the Sun’s size, with about 60% of the Sun’s surface temperature.  Gliese 12b   Earth,venus,gliese 12b planets comparing image Credit :NASA/jbl The newly discovered world, named Gliese 12 b, orbits every 12.8 days and is Earth’s size or slightly smaller — comparable to Venus. Assuming it has no atmosphere, the planet has a surface temperature estimated at around 107 degrees Fahrenheit (42 degrees Celsius) The distance separating Gliese 12 and the new planet is just 7% of the distance between Earth and the Sun. The planet receives 1.6 times more energy from its star as Earth does from the Sun and about 85% of what Venus experiences O